Tag: News

  • Learning from others with RSS

    Learning from others with RSS

    I placed more emphasis on RSS feeds when Twitter started its Musk-infused decent into madness, as an healthier way to keep up to date with the news sources and people I follow. Rather than heading to Twitter to scroll through my curated Twitter lists, I started spending even more time in my RSS feeds in…

  • You don’t need Facebook News to keep up with news

    You don’t need Facebook News to keep up with news

    Facebook News (or, rather, a Facebook News tab), is rolling out in the USA, and there are valid concerns about this already, for various reasons. Whether you’re in the USA, or not, you don’t need (and may not want to rely on) Facebook News to keep up with the news. Instead, there is a tried,…

  • Reading Twitter updates, the world looks like a pretty dark place …

    Reading Twitter updates, the world looks like a pretty dark place …

    I don’t use Twitter all that much lately, and I use Facebook even less. My reasons for using each platform less are different, though. I just scanned through my Twitter feed, and I closed the app feeling the world is a pretty dark place at the moment. I’m not sure if that’s more about the…

  • The case against Facebook

    The case against Facebook

    But Googlers can also make a strong case that Google makes valuable contributions to the information climate. I learn useful, real information via Google every day. And while web search is far from a perfect technology, Google really does usually surface accurate, reliable information on the topics you search for. Facebook’s imperative to maximize engagement,…

  • Jews, still trending after 2,000 years

    According to the Twitter Trends I am presented with, #Jews and #Israelis are constant fixtures. Surely we have transcended “trending”?

  • “… the whole stream is just noise”, the state of news media

    I agree with Om Malik that news media seems pretty superficial lately, so much so that “the whole stream is just noise”. There is a positive side though.

  • Confessions of a police assassin: fine journalism

    Confessions of a police assassin: fine journalism

    The Guardian’s piece about the confessions of a police assassin in Manipur is an example of the kind of journalism I hope will survive into the future.

  • Journalism as a service

    Journalism as a service

    One of Jeff Jarvis’ suggestions for creating a more sustainable news publishing industry is to treat journalism as a service, rather than as a commodity content factory. That appeals to me and I hope that is what the future holds.