Tag: medium

  • Online publishing will not die if Medium fails

    Online publishing will not die if Medium fails

    Medium has pivoted again and its success could hold the key for a more sustainable online publishing industry. Even if it fails, it won’t mean the death of publishing.

  • Is Medium just a RSS reader?

    Maybe Medium isn’t a publishing platform. Perhaps it’s really just a fancy RSS reader?

  • Not just another WordPress vs everything else

    Not just another WordPress vs everything else

    I love that there are so many options for people who want to publish their words online these days. I was researching a topic for a blog post for the imonomy blog (I am employed by imonomy as a Content Marketing Specialist) and my colleague, Shirley Pattison (read her stuff, she writes about fascinating topics),…

  • Insta-maintenance


    I love it when brands create more playful versions of error pages and app update texts. The usual “bug fixes and improvements” narratives really don’t inspire much passion. Instapaper is one of those brands that has some fun with messages like this maintenance placeholder. I see most of these fun variations in app update narratives…

  • Like Bon Jovi for Medium

    Like Bon Jovi for Medium

    I think my writing career reached a milestone today. I was described as “Bon Jovi for Medium” because of my modest following there. I’m not quite sure what to do with that description (do I really seem that old?) but since I was a huge fan of the rock band when I was (much) younger,…

  • A parable about hubris and an ongoing digital tragedy

    This post was originally published on Medium It feels like a lifetime since the Pushers left and the Communicators stepped up. Before then, the Pushers shaped the Message, told us how we would feel about their brand, their products and services. We either accepted what we were told or, well, we didn’t have much choice.…

  • A dull life

    This post was originally published on Medium as “Too much focus on a dull life“. Too much focus on a dull life