Tag: choices

  • Lives of quiet desperation and debt

    Lives of quiet desperation and debt

    I came across a quote that resonates so strongly that it is almost chilling. It is about the traps we build into our lives in the pursuit of things that don’t actually have all that much value to us.

  • If I could just go back in time and make better decisions …

    If I could just go back in time and make better decisions …

    Ever imagine you could go back in time and make better choices? What if you flipped that around and asked whether you could make better decisions today that you won’t wish you could change in the future?

  • “When we say we have no choice, we feel trapped and we are powerless”

    “When we say we have no choice, we feel trapped and we are powerless”

    Saying you have no choice leaves you stuck. Make a different decision.

  • Cross-platform or best platform?

    Cross-platform or best platform?

    My big question is whether to focus on a cross-platform system or on the best system available to me?

  • Where are my words, dammit?

    Where are my words, dammit?

    Argh! Why is it so difficult to keep writing? For someone who considers himself a writer (that would be me), I am consistently inconsistent about writing.

  • Create a 2015 you will want to remember

    Create a 2015 you will want to remember

    2014 has turned out to be a pretty challenging year and not necessarily in a happy way. I was about to say “not in a good way” but you have a choice how to view your challenges in your life. You can see them as curses sent to make you miserable or mountains to climb…

  • Why Mark Zuckerberg wears the same t-shirt every day

    Why Mark Zuckerberg wears the same t-shirt every day

    I just watched Mark Zuckerberg’s response to a question about his t-shirt choice (apparently a similar grey t-shirt every day) and, as he said, it sounds silly but makes a lot of sense. At least, to me. I’ve been thinking about all the choices I have in a different context and how having all those…

  • Challenging #FML

    Challenging #FML

    At first #FML was a rare sighting online and, slowly, it began to find more use as people tweeted about their misfortunes online. The term has its own website featuring everyday uses and it is probably one of the most depressing memes I’ve seen online. https://twitter.com/clarewarwick/status/537892044753342464 Sure, some people have huge challenges in their lives…